6 It may seem strange that I keep calling Rainer’s project in the late sixties and early seventies “modernist,” since she is associated with postmodern dance. However, postmodern dance was not postmodernist.  It was a revolt against the modern dance and, in that sense, postmodern, but it essayed that revolt in the name of a reflexive interrogation of movement as such. Thus, though postmodern, it was also modernist in its ambitions, as was minimalism, despite Michael Fried’s deprecations. Postmodern dance was minimalist dance and, for that reason, not postmodernist as that concept was to evolve in the late seventies (as a foil to minimalism). Admittedly these labels can be confusing, especially if one tries to use them as they were used in the relevant  historical context.  For further terminological clarification, see Sally Banes, Terpsichore in Sneakers (2nd Edition) (Middletown, Ct.: Wesleyan University Press, 1987), pp. xiv-xv.